Monday, November 12, 2007

Are you the next YABC Teen Reviewer?

Copied from the YABC blog. Pass this post on to your friends who might be interested:

Yep, it's that time of year again. This year's Teen Demi-Goddess (Amber) has done a spectacular job (just like last year's Dominique). But it is just about time for the changing of the guard.If you are interested in being the next YABC Demi-God or Demi-Goddess, please check out the offical application form. Applicants must be between 13 - 19 during the calendar year 2008.

Application deadline is December 15th this year. Good luck, everyone!

Maybe this will help you decide on whether or not to apply: final thoughts from Amber, the 2007 Demi-Goddess:

It's November already, and my days as Official Teen Book Reviewer for YABooksCentral are winding down. I just wanted to write you a little note and thank you for this amazing opportunity and for working so incredibly hard to maintain the high quality of YABooksCentral. So many people enjoy the site, and it's been my honor to contribute to YABC for the past year.

I will enjoy my last couple of months here, and I hope that my reviews have lived up to your expectations. The experience has exceeded my wildest expectations, and whomever is the 2008 Teen Demi-God/Goddess is a very lucky person indeed.

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