Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ramblings: Book Countdowns

Yeah, I know I'm supposedly on vacation from blogging for a bit. I guess I just can't stay away.

So I've had some blog-related thoughts tumbling around my head lately. (Who am I kidding? I constantly think about blogging!) And one that keeps coming up is blogger pet peeves. Now, this post isn't really about that, but it lead to the thought for this post and I'd like to hear what you all about it:

So what do you think about book countdown widgets?

You know the ones I'm talking about. Those things you see posted in sidebars all over the blogosphere that countdown the days, hours, and minutes until a book is released. So really, I want to know what you think of them. Are the cool? Stupid? What about seeing them used in blogs? Do you like to see them attached to reviews of that particular book? In the sidebar? At the bottom of the blog? How many should you have? How many is too many? Do you even pay attention to them? In what context should they be used on a blog (i.e. if a blogger is looking forward to that book, if the blogger has reviewed/will review that book from an ARC, if the author was a guest on the blog, etc.)?

Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Maybe we'll get some discussion going on this one.


Sheryl S. said...

Do you even pay attention to them?
My answer to this question makes the rest of the questions moot for me. No. Since I don't, they just become wasted real estate on any page that features them.

Chioma said...

I do actually pay attention to them. These countdowns are usually for really anticipated releases and its convient to know the exact time they are released on my sidebar. It gives me a heads up, introduces me to new books and authors, and gives me something to look forward to!!!

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Nah, they're pretty neutral for me. I don't really pay any attention. Unless, of course, they slow down the blog's loading time, in which case they just piss me off!

Kapri (Book Fanatics) said...

I really don't mind them. Sometimes I pay attention to them, but only if it's a book that i'm highly anticipating. Otherwise I just ignore them.

Diana Dang said...

I don't really care much for them but as long as I don't see I clutter of them. I generally am not interested in book widgets lol. For me to be curious about a book is just the plot. Unless the cover is very stunning.

Amanda said...

I think they're a good idea. Sometimes I totally forget about a book, and when I see the countdown it's a little reminder. More than 2 is too much though.

Krista/Tower of Books said...

I like book countdowns. They make me even more excited about upcoming releases. I think two is the most a blog should have. Too many can slow down my computer...

Ren @ All By Myshelf said...

Personally, I think book countdown widgets can be very helpful, especially with all those bloggers that get ARCs. There have been many times, particularly in the last few weeks, where I was asking myself and all my friends, "When does this book come out?" And no one has been able to answer, because we've seen the book on a bunch of blogs already.

Other than that, they can be a little annoying when people have too many on their sidebar. It can really slow down the loading, which is already slow enough on my computer. I say no more than three, and maybe spread out along the sidebar and at the top or bottom.

Cecelia said...

I hate them. No exceptions. If I'm really excited for a book, I put it on my Amazon wishlist, and I KNOW when it comes out. These widgets just clutter up otherwise pretty blog templates and the scrolling and flashing that often accompany them make my eyes hurt. Not literally, but, you know, in my head. And if it's a book that I'm not holding out any hope for? Then I get actively annoyed. Free advertising for silly books = not my cup of tea.

*end rant*

April (BooksandWine) said...

I'm with the other commenters here, I don't pay attention to them really. The only time I do pay attention to them is when they slow a site down, then I'm just irritated by them!

Barbara Shoup said...

They always make me think of that the key chain somebody gave me that gave the same kind of countdown for the end of the Bush administration.

There was a "hooray" involved there, but I'm not quite sure it's the same thing:-)

fredamans said...

I pay attention, since there are our version of an ad. Maybe I'll miss something if I don't pay attention..... who knows...

misskallie2000 said...

No, I don't pay attention. They just distract me.. I post on my calendar when the books I am interesed in are due to release..

Erika said...

I don't pay attention to them. I can't honestly say that I remember seeing one. But I would guess that people who anxiously await the release of a particular book appreciate them.

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Mandy said...

I think two on the sidebar is fine, but any more and it slows the site down too much