Friday, November 20, 2009

Time to do a Little Winter Cleaning

It seems like I've been apologizing a lot for being absent from the blog lately. Kind of a bummer, since I hate it when life gets in the way. And although I've been kind of boring lately, I will make it up to you in December. Promise.

Anyway, don't have much to talk about tonight, but I am cleaning out my bookshelves again. It's that time of year again when I go through all the books I have and reorganize, reshuffle and decide which books I maybe can live without.

Which is really kind of hard for me, but maybe great news for some of you, especially if you're participating in one of the upcoming swaps. I guess I need to look at it as making room for all those wonderful new books I'll (hopefully) get for Christmas.

Meanwhile, don't forget about my Design a Button contest. You'll get a book of your choice if you win...

Now I'm off to go organize shelves. I'll come back when maybe I have some pictures.


Wrighty said...

Boy, I need to do some winter cleaning too! My life has also gotten in the way of blogging and I'm behind on everything. And I'm sure November and December are only going to get crazier!

queen of entropy said...

Hah! You haven't been boring!

Whenever I clean out my bookshelves, I rediscover all my old favorites, and then I have this burning desire to go back and reread them all...and my godmother and husband always get me new books for birthday/Christmas/anniversary so the list is constantly growing! It's like a vicious circle of get-new-then-reorganize-then-reread-old-get-more-new ...etc etc etc! But I'm not really complaining ;)

Alyssa F said...

Yeah, I couldn't have put it better myself. That's EXACTLY how I feel!

Cecelia said...

Very, very true (the comments are spot-on). I think this time of year naturally slows us down...something about there being less light in the Northern Hemisphere... :)

Looking forward to your December content!

Alyssa F said...

Hmmm, maybe the less light is the cause of the problem. With it getting dark earlier I get tired at like 6:00 and then I can't go to bed for at least another 4 hours...

Camryn said...

Sometimes, a lot of things can get in the way of blogging. We want to but we can't. *Sighs.*

I can't wait to see the stuff you come up with for December. :)

Sheryl S. said...

I love cleaning my shelves (when in the right mood for it). It lets me rediscover things that I forgot I had and make room for fresh new things! Room that rarely lasts long, mind you...

Josette said...

Have fun cleaning out your bookshelves! I love to do it once in a while too. I enjoy coming across favourite books that I haven't read in a while. :)