Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Waiting on Wednesday: 11.4.09

Today's WOW post continues right along with the 2010 release theme of last week. Today's feature is:

Princess for Hire by Lindsay Leavitt

About the Book (from "When an immaculately dressed woman steps out of an iridescent bubble and asks you if you'd like to become a substitute princess, do you

a) run
b) faint
c) say Yes!

For Desi Bascomb, who's been longing for a bit of glamour in her Idaho life, the choice is a definite C--that is, once she can stop pinching herself. As her new agent Meredith explains, Desi has a rare magical ability: when she applies the ancient Egyptian formula "Royal Rouge," she can transform temporarily into the exact lookalike of any princess who needs her subbing services. Dream come true, right?

Well, Desi soon discovers that subbing involves a lot more than wearing a tiara and waving at cameras. Like, what do you do when a bullying older sister puts you on a heinous crash diet? Or when the tribal villagers gather to watch you perform a ceremonial dance you don't know? Or when a princess's conflicted sweetheart shows up to break things off--and you know she would want you to change his mind?

In this hilarious, winning debut, one girl's dream of glamour transforms into something bigger: the desire to make a positive impact. And an impact Desi makes, one royal fiasco at a time. "

What can I say about this one? In case you hadn't noticed from my profile picture, I am a total princess nut. Pretty much if it has "princess" in the title I want to read it. Beyond that, the plot of this one sounds totally interesting. Who wouldn't want to have this job? Plus, I've lived in Idaho, so I can totally understand the lack of local glamor. (No offense to those who still live there! Idaho just wasn't my thing.) And the cover too. It's pink. Got to love pink. :) On an interesting side note, I have one of those Eiffel Tower keychains that's show on the left side. One of my friends brought it back for me from Paris. (My friend when to Paris and all I got was this lousy t-shirt keychain...)

Princess for Hire will be released on March 16th, 2010 and is currently available for pre-order on

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill of Breaking the Spine. All included links are Amazon Affliate links.


Thao said...

This is such a lovely book. I'm looking forward to reading it.

ShadowsTomes said...

This sounds so cute! I'll keep an eye out for it! Thanks!

Sheryl S. said...

I am not so wild about the current princess phenomenon, so I felt leery about this one... until I read the summary. This sounds hilarious and quite enjoyable!

Lindsey Leavitt said...

Oh, thanks for the WOW! Hope you like it--plenty of princesses for ya :)