Monday, November 09, 2009

Contest Monday: Win a Copy of Yesterday's Magic

As promised, here is the Contest Monday post for November. I'm going to extend the deadline for this one beyond just a week since it will be the only other contest I'm holding for November in preparation for the December project I've hinted at. Anyway, this week's prize is for a brand new hardback copy of Yesterday's Magic by Pamela Service.

About the Book (From "When Heather McKenna is kidnapped by the sorceress Morgan LeFay, it is up to Heather’s friend Welly and the wizard Merlin (yes, that Merlin) to rescue her. Set five hundred years in the future following a nuclear devastation, the technological world has ground to a halt but magic is beginning to take hold again, and the powerful icons of myth are starting to fight over control of the world. From the Russian witch Baba Yaga, to the Native American trickster god, Raven, the most ancient magical forces are beginning to awaken, and they have very different ideas about the future of the earth.

This riveting sequel to Tomorrow's Magic continues Merlin and Arthur’s quest to reunite the world. "

How to Enter: To enter the contest, simply leave a comment on this post. IMPORTANT: Due to security concerns, do NOT include your email address in the comment. If you do, it will be deleted and you will not be entered. This new measure is designed to help protect your account from spam. If you can't/don't want to leave a comment, send an email to shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com with the subject line "Yesterday Contest" and include your name, your email address, and the correct subject line.

How to earn Extra Entries:
  1. +1 for a sidebar post. Post a link in your comment.
  2. +2 for a regular post. Post a link in your comment.
  3. +1 Being or becoming a follower.
  4. +2 For being referred by someone (let me know who).
  5. +1 For every person you refer.
Rules: The contest is open until Wednesday, November 25th, 2009. Open to US and Canada residents, even if you've won a contest in the past. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. One free entry per person allowed. See above for instructions to earn extra contest entries. Rules about claiming prizes can be found here. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.

Good luck to everyone! I'll be announcing the winner at the end of November (probably the 30th).

*The amazing Contest Monday banner was designed by Liyana.


Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in your draw. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower of your blog.

TexyLivesForFashion said...

Please enter me (:
+1 for being a follower
+1 Posting in side bar-

Simply Stacie said...

Please count me in.

+1 follower

Lindsay Frost said...

I would LOVE to win this!!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
+1 Being a follower

throuthehaze said...

count me in please

+1 follower


Anonymous said...

Hi :)

+2 for a regular post.
+1 Being a follower.

Thank you for the opportunity to win.
All the best,

Raspberry said...

This looks fabulous - thanks!
I'm a follower, and I also put you on my sidebar at

queen of entropy said...

Ooh! Ooh! Enter me, please!

+2 for a regular post:

+1 for already being a follower!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha! I love the fact that you said, "Yes, that Merlin," in case we could not get it from Morgan LeFay. ;-)

Very pretty cover.

Beth (BBRB) said...

This looks great! Please enter me!

Krista P. said...

Count me in.


+1 for a sidebar post. (

+1 Being or becoming a follower.

Stacey Brucale said...

Please enter me!

+1 new follower

Anonymous said...

Please enter me

+1 I am now a follower

Triskaideka said...

+1 for new follower


CherylS22 said...

+1 - I already follow

CherylS22 said...

This book looks magical - please enter me.

L said...

Enter me please!
+1 I'm a follower.
+1 sidebar:
+2 post:

brizmus said...

Ooh! enter me!
+1 I'm now a follower
+1 It's in my sidebar under the Contest List
+1 I wasn't referred exactly, but I saw a link to your blog at the Neverending Shelf, and I decided to check it out. Then saw this contest. :-)