After lots of thought and going back and forth, I decided to once again host A Shady Glade Christmas this December. For those of who you missed the event last you, you can see a round up of all the fun stuff we did last year here.
The general idea is to put of Christmas-themed post every day from December 1st through December 25th. I did pretty well last year, although I did miss a day or two.
But on of my favorite things last year was the few guest posts I hosted about favorite holiday traditions. So I'm putting out another call this year for guest posts. I'm looking for any Christmas-themed posts, especially of your family's favorite Christmas traditions, reviews of holiday books, and posts about your favorite Christmas movies. You don't have a blog to participate, everyone is welcome.
So if you're interested in participating, email me at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com and let me know.
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com
Can't wait to see what everybody comes up with, hard to believe it's the Holiday Season so soon!
does it have to be christmas?
Can it be a Wiccan Yule theme? (i was going to do a post about it, a little apprehensive though)
We enjoyed last years "Shady Glade Christmas" so are looking forward to another one. I remember the posts about the American Girl Kristen and the Lucia.
I will be glad to see what everyone comes up with.
Just wanted drop by and say I awarded you with the Versatile Blogger award today. Your blog rocks!
Stop by my blog to pick up your award. :)
Dana @ http://bookgirlinthekitchen.blogspot.com/
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