Important! For those of you who've filled out the interest form here and have NOT received an email from me with "Bookmark Swap Confirmation" in the subject line, you are not currently signed up to participate. I sent out reminders to everyone by email yesterday, so if you didn't get it the email, or if you thought you signed up by have not yet gotten a confirmation email from me, please let me know right away: shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com.
The mailing deadline for those signed up is December 1st, don't forget! Bookmarks are starting to roll in, and they're super cute!
I'm so stoked to participate in this! Thanks again for hosting it, doll! :)
Mary D
It's too late for me to this year, (too much going on at the moment), but I'd definitely enjoying participating next year if the swap is offered - can't believe all the pretty, creative bookmarks people have come up with! :)
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