So in being a cover art enthusiast, I really notice when a cover doesn't hit the spot. Take this one for example. It's nice, and this is one of my favorite series so I like it for that reason. But there's just something off about it. It's just not as great as the old covers for this series (which is unusual for me, because I tend to like updated covers much better than the old ones).
So I decided to do my own version a little over a year ago:
Your challenge for today, should you choose to accept it, is to redesign a cover that you think could have been done better. It has to be a book that is already out and available (no pre-release titles), but other than that, it can be any book. Since this challenge requires more time and effort, you will get a lot more points for completing it. I'll be selecting a few of the entries to share at the end of the month, and you will get bonus points if your cover is one of the ones selected.
Challenge Details:
Points: +15 points for submitting a cover (that's a lot of points up for grabs). If your cover is chosen to highlight at the end of the month, then you will also get +5 for being selected.
Deadline: Covers must be submitted by October 1st at midnight Pacific Time.
How To Enter: Email your entries to shadygladeATmailDOTcom with the subject line "Cover Contest". You can either email the picture as an attachment, or post the cover on your blog, photobucket, flickr, etc. and send me a link. Whatever works for you.
Questions? As always feel free to ask!
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