Friday, December 04, 2009

Christmas Childhood Memories

This is a spontaneous Christmas post. Thanks to Sherry at Semicolon who inspired this post.

When I was little we had a tape that had 3 or 4 of these really old Christmas Cartoons. And thanks to Sherry's post, apparently one of them is on YouTube. I knew these were old, but I wouldn't have dated them back the 1930s. Interesting when you learn a little bit more about your childhood staples.

Anyway, I share it with you as a part of my Christmas childhood:

What'd you think? It strikes me as really corny now that I look back on it, but I loved it as a kid. I was always amazed at how he came up with all those toys.


Unknown said...

I think it's a very cute Christmas cartoon. Like most cartoons, it's imagination & fantasy. It' pure fun to watch! Thank you for posting it!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember ever seeing that cartoon before. What imagination the artists had to come up with everything including the christmas tree. I remember the still animation of Santa Clause is Coming to Town and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer every year on TV.

Wrighty said...

We had this too!! My kids are teens and they got it as a gift when they were very little and watched it over and over and over again. Their grandma got it at Kmart I think. That brings back a lot of memories for me too! :)

Jenny N. said...

This isn't Christmas related but just reminded me of this Disney sing-along tape I had when I was a child. My brother and I would watch it all the time and sing along to all the songs.

Sheryl S. said...

I knew these were old, but I wouldn't have dated them back the 1930s. Interesting when you learn a little bit more about your childhood staples.
That is one thing I constantly found surprising: how many of the shows that seemed new to me were actually old. It is interesting how difficult the ages of things can be to guess. Some Christmas traditions seem like they had to have been established centuries ago and only date back to the 1950s or so, and some things seem so new while are really decades old!