Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cozy Holiday Reads

The inspiration for this post started off a little strange. When I first thought up the idea of A Shady Glade Christmas I sent out lots of emails off to people asking for recommendations for holiday reads. Some of those ideas got turned into a few of the posts you've seen so far this month. And others didn't.

So for those of you who are still looking for a great book to read during Christmas (you still have a few days to snag one!) here are some other great books suggestions:

Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances by John Green, Lauren Myracle, and Maureen Johnson
Miss Erin- "Perfect for curling up under a blanket in front of the Christmas tree with a cup of hot cocoa."

Far from You by Lisa Schroeder
The Compulsive Reader- "A wintery read that has to do with angels and miracles."

The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper
AKR- "A great holiday read. It's set during Christmas, and it's a little bit spooky, but also nice and homey and comfy at the same time. And there's lots and lots of snow."

The Christmas Doll by Elvira Woodruff
HM- "It's a lovely book, though a children book, it's something that I enjoy. It's about a girl and her sister who have no money, and how the older sister is willing to make huge sacrifices for her sister. It features a special doll with a purple heart and a doll shop. It's a treasured story!"

Kissing Snowflakes by Abby Sherr
MW- "I love reading the winter romance books over the holidays. Who says romance is just for summer?"

After by Amy Efaw
RM- "This is perfect for a chilly winter day, a sad, touching novel."

Other Suggestions:
JF- "The books I like to read are all the Harry Potters around Christmas, as well as Christmas Colt by Mallory Stevens, House of Night series by P.C. and Kristen Cast, and Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I know these are all fairly new books but I've taken to reading them in winter, especially the third House Of Night book, because it's set around Christmas."

Angie- "I love reading fairy-tales in general, but in the winter I love it even more. Don't ask me why. But the Once Upon a Time Series, like The Storyteller's Daughter, Snow, The Rose Bride, etc. Pretty much all the books in that series I want to reread in time for the holidays. Even Ella Enchanted. Also, there is something oddly cozy about snuggling up with a blanket and pretty much any Agatha Christie. Finally, the Twilight series seems like a good fit for Christmas - the intensity of the romance, fantasy, and enigmatic atmosphere makes for a great snuggly read."

Thank you to everyone who suggested books! And for the rest of you I hope you find something nice to read this holiday!

*I quoted everybody using initials or blog names. If you see your quote and want to recognized by name, just leave me a comment and let me know and I'll get it changed.*


Sheryl S. said...

Ooo, I'll have to check out the fairy tale stories that were suggested. They look quite interesting!

Kristen said...

Those sound great! I usually read the George MacDonald Christmas stories. :)

Mandy said...

I should check out a few of these. I just finished Let It Snow, it was really cute. I need to post my review for it still