That's not to say that there won't be any contests this month, because there are. In fact, you can already enter the October Comment Contest, the Cybils Contest, and the We Love Authors Contest. Plus I'll be posting another one tomorrow (hopefully). But since I want to focus on these specific contests there will be no Contest Monday this month.
For those of you who would like to help out with the costs of running the blog (mostly postage for prizes), there are a few ways you can. First of all I've added a donate button in the right sidebar if you feel so inclined.
Also, if you've ever making a purchase on, consider using the links you find on this blog or using the search boxes in the sidebars to make your purchases. Any time you buy something within 20 minutes of coming from here, I get a (very) small percentage of your purchase, which helps a lot.
And lastly, I'm going to point out something new I've discovered recently. It's called Swagbucks. Basically, it's a search engine that randomly awards you points (called swagbucks) when you use it to serach for things. You then trade in these points for prizes. If you use the banner below to sign up under me, then ever time you get a point, I also get a point. It's a win-win situation, since I am using my swagbucks to get prizes to giveaway on the blog (gift cards anyone?). Hence the shameless promotion. Haha. Here's the banner if you'd like to check it out:

Anyway, that's it for now. If you'd like to donate somehow you can, but all of you help out just by continuing to read the blog and spread the word. So Contest Monday will be gone this month, although I will continue contest roundups in its place. And don't feel too sad, because I have lots of Halloween-inspired reviews coming in its place as well. And look for yet another contest coming up in a day or two too.
God help me, I signed up under your referral. Let's see how this pans out. :)
I have Swagbucks too :)
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