You can find all the details at the original post, but the idea is this. For each theme I'll choose some books to feature throughout the week. Meanwhile, you (the reader) have until Friday to give me your own recommendations for that theme. Then on Saturday I'll have a wrap up post that will include a master list of recommendations (mine and others). Sound good? Then here we go.

A Coming Evil
Ghost Files: The Haunting Truth
Haunted Mansion
The House Next Door
Sweet Miss Honeywell's Revenge: A Ghost Story
There's a preview of what's coming up for me. Now it's your turn. Submit all your ghostly book suggestions here (either comment below or send me an email) by this Friday. We're going to keep this one strictly to books. I know there's plenty of good ghost movies out there, but that's for another post.
Oh, I love this idea! I'm a recommendations nut. I love giving and receiving them! Ok, here goes:
A Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb
Tryst by Elswyth Thane
Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe
Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley
Thanks for the great post idea!
Oh. My. God.
I've just realised I've never read a book that has a main theme of ghosts. The closest I've got is the HP series. Zombies? Yes. Vampires? Yes. Death as a moving being? Yes. Weird internet murderer being? Yes. Ghost? No.
I shall have to look at some of these suggestions myself!
What a great idea! And I do love the little ghost too! I'll be better prepared for next week. I hope. I am writing down all the recommendations though. Thanks!
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