On this day three years ago, I started a blog dedicated to my internet-related book ramblings. Had you asked me then, I never ever would have thought it would become then what it has today. For those of you who've been following awhile, or if you've taken a look at my archives, you know the blog has grown, stretched, and changed a lot over the last three years. But at heart, it's still the same thing: my personal book-related project.
Having this blog has been such a great experience. I've shared by views with the world, found a place in the blogosphere, and met so many people, many of who I can consider my friends, even though we've never met beyond a computer screen. Only a few short months after starting this blog I had the opportunity to participate in the first Cybils awards, an experience that truly changed the course of blogging for me. It's possible that if I hadn't met so many great people through that experience this project would have withered on the vine.
So to celebrate this momentous occasion, I'm celebrating a month-long party! All throughout September there will be lots of contest, author interviews, guest posts, and trips back down a blog memory lane. The right sidebar over there is going to get long, as this

I also be answering questions I get a lot throughout the month, so if you have any questions about me or the blog, post them in the comments and I'll get around to answering them this month.
And most of all, thank you dear readers for coming along this journey with me. If I didn't have readers, I would just be spouting off to myself, and although I wouldn't necessarily mind if that were the case, it brings a smile to my face knowing that at least some of you out there are listening.
Okay, so enough of the sentimental junk. Let's party!
Happy 3 year blogoversary!!!s
Happy blogoversary!!!!
Congrats! 3 years-wow!(:
Woot! Congrats Alyssa! :D
Congrats on three years, Alyssa! The blogoversary sounds like a lot of fun! :)
Congrats on 3 years! Your blog is great :)
Happy blog birthday, Alyssa!
Happy blogoversary!
I really like reading your blog and I'm glad you're still going strong!
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary!!! (I love the word blogoversary!) ^_^
Happy blogoversary! :D
Wow, 3 years, that's awesome!
Congrats on completing three years. I haven't been with you from the beginning but am so glad I was told about your blog. I look forward to many more "book finds" in the future!
Questions: What got you started blogging in the first place? How many people read your blog? What's the most common way that readers have found you?
Congrats on your blogoversary!
Always looking for good books
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
Happy 3 years, that's awesome!! =D
Three years! WOW! That gives me hope! You are to be congratulated and deserve to party! We should be giving YOU gifts!
Happy belated blogoversary---your blogoversary is the same day as my birthday!!
3 years goes by quickly doesn't it? Congrats!
Happy blogoversary! I'm still way away from my 1st blogoversary--let alone my 3rd one:P Hope you keep enjoying book blogging for several more years to come:)
Question time! What made you start blogging?
Happy blogoversary! Three years is awesome!
Congrats on the 3 years of blogging!!
I love Blogoversarys. :)
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