Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12 Blogs of Christmas: Day 11 The Shady Glade

The 12 Blogs of Christmas
On the 11th Blog of Christmas, The Shady Glade gave to you...

11 prizes for 11 winners!

I figured for the 11th day we should do something big, so I'm going to make 11 of you have a great holiday!

11 Books to Choose From: (some are gently used, the rest are new)
Christmas Unwrapped: Lighthearted Humor to Get You Through the Holidays by Scott Emmons (HC)
Slumgirl Dreaming: Rubina's Journey to the Stars by Rubina Ali (PB)
Fingerprints #1: Gifted Touch by Melinda Metz (PB)
Catwalk: Strike a Pose by Deborah Gregory (PB)
Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner (PB)
The Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney by Suzanne Harper (PB)
Likely Story by David Van Etten (HC)
Solace of the Road by Siobhan Dowd (HC)
The Boy Book by E. Lockheart (HC)
As You Wish by Jackson Pearce (ARC with original light blue cover)
The Monster Variations by Daniel Kraus (HC)

--1 winner will choose 3 from the above list,
--2 winners will choose 2 from the above list,
--1 winner will choose 1 from the above list.

And then:
--1 winner will receive a Looking Glass Wars Swag Pack (Hatter M poster, a postcard, 2 bookmarks, 2 stickers, a tattoo and a Redd Alert! button)
--6 more winners with receive a Mystery Swag pack with at least 7 assorted pieces of swag (bookmarks, postcards, stickers, cards, etc.)

You can count them up. That's 11 winners! Excited? Want to know how to win?

To enter this contest please finish the following sentence: "On the 11th day of Christmas my _________ gave to me 11 ________". Be creative, there might be another prize at stake here. (hint, hint)

ETA: Open internationally, yes!

Ends Dec. 31st at midnight PST. Winners will be randomly selected and announced here on January 1st, 2010. You will then have 5 days to claim your prize before it's passed to someone else. So come back on the 1st!

Please DO NOT leave your email address in the comment. This is to protect your privacy!

Extra Entries: (leave in one comment please!)
+2 Old Follower
+1 New Follower
+1 Sidebar/Twitter link (leave link)
+3 Blog Post (leave direct link)
+2 If you were referred by someone (tell me who)
+1 For every person you refer
+1 For every one of the 12 Blogs of Christmas you followed BEFORE this contest (list each one)

At the end of the month I will also give +5 entries to each person listed in the top 10 commenters in the left sidebar. So feel free to comment away!

Don't forget to check out the previous 12 Blogs of Christmas for more great contests:
Day 1 Neverending Shelf
Day 2 Literary Escapism
Day 3 Library Lounge Lizard
Day 4 Bites
Day 5 Ellz Readz
Day 6 Book Rat
Day 7 Luxury Reading
Day 8 Princess Bookie
Day 9 Shooting Stars Mag
Day 10 vv32Reads


Bunny B said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my soulmate gave to me 11 Tiffany & Co charms :P

+2 Old Follower
+3 Blog Post : http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/12/day-11-of-12-blogs-of-xmas.html

+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follow Shooting Stars Mag

Sherrie said...

On the 11 day of Christmas my hubby gave me 11 books a reading.

1+ New Follower
1+ Sidebar Link

1+ I follow Neverending Shelf
1+ I follow Literary Escapism
1+ I follow Library Lounge Lizard
1+ I follow 4 Bites
1+ I follow Ellz Reads
1+ I follow Book Rat
1+ I follow Luxury Reading
1+ I follow Princess Bookie
1+ I follow Shooting Stars Mag
1+ I follow lovv32 Reads

Jo said...

Awesome contest! Is it open internationally?

On the 11th day of Christmas my doggy gave to me 11 sloppy slobbers :D

+2 Old Follower

+1 Twitter:

+3 Blog Post:

Have referred people - they will say Jo referred them.

+12 for following:
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Total = 19 so far (without referrals)

kohsamui14 said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my daughter gave to me 11 chores satisfactorily completed!"

scottsgal said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my teenager gave to me, 11 days that were attitude free!

+2 old follower
+1 follow shooting starts mag
msboatgal at aol.com

Sherry said...

On the eleventh day of christmas my parents gave to me, 11 books of my choice!

+2 Old follower.
+3 Blog Post http://flippingpagesforallages.blogspot.com/2009/12/check-out-12-days-of-christmas.html
+3 Blogs Followed before hand(the neverending shelf, vvb32 read's, princes bookie)

Thanks for the awesome contest!

abigai said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my boyfriend gave to me 11 new girlfrined"

1+New follower

1+ I follow The 12 Blogs of Christmas

1+ I follow Princessbookie

Stacey Brucale said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my boyfriend gave to me 11 more little kitties :)

+2 old follower
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Literary Escapism
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 The Page Flipper
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Book Rat
+1 The Shady Glade
+1 vvb32Reads


LucĂ­a said...

It's worldwide?

brizmus said...

On the 11th Day of Christmas, my boyfriend gave to me, 11 mini Nintendo figurines!

+2 old follower
+1 in sidebar under contest list - http://brizmusblogsbooks.blogspot.com
+12 for following all 12 of the 12 blogs of CHristmas!
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade


fredamans said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my favorite blogger gave to me 11 bookmarks to go with my books.


+1 new follower

(Arya) Paige said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my baby gave to be 11 boxes of chocolate... haha
+1 New follower
+1 Sidebar http://seaofpages.blogspot.com

+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follow Shooting Stars Mag
+1 I follow Bites

LunaMoth said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my puppy gave to me 11 pairs of missing socks.

+1 new follower
+1 sidbar on my blog.

Jason said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my northern state gave to me 11 more inches of snow.

+1 New Follower
+1 for Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Shooting Stars mag
+1 vvb32 reads
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Princess Bookie

Unknown said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my 11 roommates gave to 11 chick flick movies.

+1 New follower
+1 Sidebar link

+2 referred by Ellz Readz
+1 follow Neverending Shelf
+1 follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 follow Bites
+1 follow Shooting Stars Mag

Kristen said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my mother gave to me 11 marriage tips that I'd rather not repeat".

+2 Old Follower
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/bookgoil/status/6932980487
+1 Follower of Neverending Shelf
+1 Follower of Literary Escapism
+1 Follower of Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Follower of Bites
+1 Follower of Ellz Reader
+1 Follower of Book Rat
+1 Follower of Luxury Reading
+1 Follower of Princess Bookie
+1 Follower of Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Follower of vv32reads

+13 And no, I'm not lying I really do follow them all. Because I'm crazy.. and yes my Reader is always full... lol

throuthehaze said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my sorcerer gave to me 11 years (aging free of course) to catch up on all of my reading.

+2 old follower

+1 sidebar:

+12 for following:
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Leslie said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my teacher gave to me 11 papers for writing.
+2 old follower
+4 follow Neverending Shelf, Ellz Readz, Luxury Reading, and Princess Bookie

Tamsyn said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas Santa gave to me 11 naughty dreams".
I'm a follower.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Aik said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my boyfriend gave to me 11 chocolates and kisses!

+2 Old Follower

+1 Sidebar

+1 Twitter link

+3 Blog Post

+12 For following the 12 Blogs of Christmas BEFORE this contest
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Linda Henderson said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my banker gave to me, 11 bounced checks.
+2 old follower
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Literary Escapism
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 vvb32 Reads
I follow all of them too.

Bethery said...


On the 11th day of Christmas my puppy gave to me 11 bouncy balls.


+1 literary escapism
+1 neverending shelf
+1 Book rat
+1 Princess Bookie

+1 on my blog regarding the contest, link to neverending shelf

Thank you! Looking forward to when this contest shows the results, I am a grad student with a desire to read more then academics so my fantasy books at times out way my academic books lol.

A. Perreca

Bianca said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my swim coach gave to me 11 more laps to swim. :P

+2 Old Follower
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 vv32Reads
+1 The Page Flipper

Thanks for the great giveaway!

The Scarf Princess said...

+1 New follower
+1 Retweeted at http://twitter.com/jone402/status/6935685914
+1 Day 1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Day 2 Literary Escapism
+1 Day 3 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Day 4 Bites
+1 Day 5 Ellz Readz
+1 Day 6 Book Rat
+1 Day 7 Luxury Reading
+1 Day 8 Princess Bookie
+1 Day 9 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Day 10 vv32Reads

"On the 11th day of Christmas my friend gave to me 11 of the worst smelling candles ever".

Anonymous said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my True Love gave to me 11 hours of love".
Merry Christmas!

Misty said...

On the 11th day of Christmas, my brother gave to me the 20 bucks he owes me. ;p

+2 Old Follower
+1 Sidebar @ Book Rat
+3 Blog Post here
I follow every blog of the 12 (well, 11, since I am the other one.) So + 11 or +12?


Lillian said...

On the 11th day of Christmas, my pineapple gave me 11 trips to Starbucks. *yum*

+1 New follwer
+1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/lilybug29

Mariana S said...

+1 New Follower
+1 Sidebar: http://smartgirls-read.blogspot.com/
+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follow Shooting Stars Mag


SiNn said...

Onthe 11th day of christmas my Soul mate gave to me 11 sexy nothings

+2 old follower

+3 posted a blog about the contest

and im following all of the 12 days of christmas blogs before urcontest

Anonymous said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my werewolf boyfriend gave to me 11 sloppy kisses. XD

+2 Old Follower
+1 Day 1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Day 2 Literary Escapism
+1 Day 3 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Day 4 Bites
+1 Day 5 Ellz Readz
+1 Day 6 Book Rat
+1 Day 7 Luxury Reading
+1 Day 8 Princess Bookie
+1 Day 9 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Day 10 vv32Reads

Milka said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my fictional lover Mr. Darcy gave to me 11 new ball gowns for our New Years Eve ball at Pemberley. "

+1 new follower

I follow these:
+1 Neverending shelf
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Vv32 Reads

Stormi said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my little doggies gave to me 11 really big messes!

new follower +1

I follow ten of the 9 of the blogs before today. +9


Sara said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my Christmas baking gave to me 11 burnt-out apartments"

+2 Old follower
+1 The Neverending Shelf
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 The Page Flipper
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Book Rat
+1 The Shady Glade
+1 vvb32Reads



Taylor P. said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my horsie gave to me 11 rides along the trails. =D

+1 New Follower
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follower Library Lounge Lizard

Total= 5 entries

Thank you for hosting!

Cherry said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my FAIRY GODMOTHER gave to me 11 prizes from The Shady Glade".

I know, I know! Not very creative. But I gave it a try anyway *sigh*

+2 Old Follower
+3 Blog Post - link: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2009/12/12-blogs-of-christmas-day-11-shady.html
+2 If you were referred by someone - Misty over at Book Rat
+1 For every one of the 12 Blogs of Christmas you followed BEFORE this contest (list each one):
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
Book Rat
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag

buddyt said...

on the 11th day of Christmas my husband gave to me 11 shorts for washing after I had done 10 loads !

+2 Follower
+10 follow:

Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
Book Rat
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag


Ashley said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my parents gave me 11 chore-free days!

+2 Old Follower
+1 Sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com
+12 I follow all 12 of the 12 Blogs of Christmas! :)

Margay Leah Justice said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my daughters gave to me 11 more ideas for stories. (Hey, I'm a writer. This is more precious than gold.)

+2 I am an old follower
+1 The Neverending Shelf
+1 Bites
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag


Charlotte said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my Christmas tree gave to me 11 finger scratches". (ouch !)

+2 Old Follower

+1 Sidebar

+12 for following (before this contest) :
The Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Thank you and Merry Christmas ! :)

Pamela said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my lovable puppy gave to me 11 slobbery kisses".

+2 Old Follower
+1 Sidebar - http://pamelamaclean.blogspot.com
+12 I follow:
vvb32 reads
Book Rat
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Princess Bookie♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ellz Readz
The Shady Glade
The Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Luxury Reading
Library Lounge Lizard
The Page Flipper
Shooting Stars Mag

Great contest! Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my best boyfriend in the world gave to me a giant stack of books!!!! And maybe a literary agent, if they can fit in a box.

+1 following Bites
+1 following Ellz Readz
+1 following Book Rat
+1 following Luxury Reading

Katy said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my daughter gave to me 11 Hershey Kisses.

I'm a recent follower, but I joined before this giveaway.

+1 Sidebar/Twitter link (leave link)

+2 I followed Princess Bookie and Luxury Reading before this contest.

+1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/afewmorepages/status/6944530320

skyla11377 said...

"On The 11th Day Of Christmas My Bookstore Gave To Me 11 Books I Wanted For Free".

+2 Old Follower
I Am An Old Follower.
+1 Sidebar/Twitter Link (Leave Link)
I Tweeted About This Giveaway.
+3 Blog Post (Leave Direct Link)
I Posted A Blog About This Giveaway.
+1 For Every One Of The 12 Blogs Of Christmas You Followed BEFORE This Contest (List Each One)
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Literary Escapism
+1 Library Lizard Lounge
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 vv32Reads
+1 The Shady Glade

nikniknik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
nikniknik said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my vampire gave to me 11 bit marks on my neck.(:

+1 new follower.
+1 tweeted: http://twitter.com/nikkisoflyy/status/6944771652

Then these blogs:
1+ I follow Neverending Shelf
1+ I follow Ellz Reads
1+ I follow Book Rat
1+ I follow Luxury Reading
1+ I follow Princess Bookie
1+ I follow Shooting Stars Mag


Bookish in a Box said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my sublime knight gave to me 11 steampunk pendants.

+1 New follower
+1 Sidebar: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/ (under Book Giveaways)
+3 Blog post: http://budgetinabox.blogspot.com/2009/12/book-giveaways-week-of-1221.html
+1 EllzReadz follower

Kat said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my turtle gave to me....11 winks from inside her turtle tank!

+1 followed Princess Bookie before contest

Kat said...

Oops..plus +1 new follower...sorry!

Erica said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my best friend gave to me 11 veggie burgers

+2 Old Follower
I followed all the 12 blogs of xmas before this contest +1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Literary Escapism
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 The Page Flipper
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Book Rat
+1 The Shady Glade
+1 vvb32Reads

:) Erica

justpeachy36 said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my, crazy ol' grandmother, gave to me 11 snails a sliming.

+2 Old Follower

+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Literary Escapism
+1 Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooing Star Mag
+1 vv32 Reads

Thanx for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my incredible soccer team gave to me, eleven strands of beckham's hair!!

Unknown said...

I am not entering, but I have to say:
On the 11th day of Christmas my favorite contest-crazed book blogger gave to me 11 books from which to choose. ;-)

Llehn said...

On the 11 th day of Christmas my own cooking gave to me, 11 trips to the bathroom :(

+2 old follower
+12 for following:
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Number of points = 14

donnas said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my boss gave to me 11 days off to read.

+2 old follower
+1 sidebar - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
+12 for following:
Neverending Shelf
Literary Escapism
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Luxury Reading
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

Anonymous said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my younger brother gave to me 11 letters to send to Santa saying please.

+2 Old follower

+1 Sidebar: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com

+3 Posted: http://goodgonegirl.blogspot.com/2009/12/happy-giveaways.html

Followed before this contest:
+1 Neverending Shelf
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Princess Bookie

Anna ♥

Ellie Wright said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my grandson gave to me 11 jelly smeared kisses.

+1 New follower


+1 follow The Neverending Shelf
+1 follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 follow Bites
+1 follow Princess Bookie
+1 follow Shooting Stars Mag
+1 follow Book Rat
+1 follow The Shady Glade

Trollololol said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my parents gave to me 11 hours sleep!

+2 Old follower (not that old but before this comp!)
+2 Referred by Book Rat
+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Bites
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Luxury Reading
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follow Shooting Stars Mag
+1 I follow vv32Reads
+1 I follow The Page Flipper



Anita Yancey said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my sweetheart gave to me 11 dirty socks to wash".

+2 old follower
+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Literary Escapism
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Luxury Reading

clenna said...

+1 On the 11th day of Christmas my sister-in-law gave to me 11 rotten bananas!

+1 New follower

+1 Referred by Ellz Readz

Other Blogs of Christmas that i have already entered:
+1 Literary Escapism

+1 Library Lounge Lizard

+1 Bites

Rosie said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my husband gave to me 11 episodes of Supernatural (hopefully a full season's worth, :-))

Justine said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my teddy bear gave to me 11 creepy buttons from the movie Coraline!


+2 Old Follower
+1 Sidebar: here
+3 Blog Post: here
+1 I followed Princess Bookie
+1 I followed The Neverending Shelf
+1 I followed Ellz Readz
+1 I followed Shooting Stars Meg
+1 I followed Luxury Reading

Jessy said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my boyfriend Cullen gave to me 11 new sparkly sparkles

+1-Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/6975907116
+2-Old follower

+1-Princess Bookie
+1-Shooting Stars Mag
+1-Library Lounge Lizard
+1-Neverending Shelf
+1-Ellz Readz
+1-Luxury Reading
+1-Book rat

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Noella said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my mum gave to me 11 dollars for 2 Big Mac meals XD

+2 old follower
+1 I followed Neverending Shelf through email
+1 I followed Literary Escapism
+1 I followed Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I followed Bites
+1 I followed Ellz Reads
+1 I followed Book Rat
+1 I followed Luxury Reading
+1 I followed Princess Bookie
+1 I followed Shooting Stars Mag
+1 I followed vv32 Reads
+1 sidebar link: http://books-a-la-carte.blogspot.com/

Cheers and Merry Christmas! ^^

Curling up by the Fire said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my son and daughter each gave 11 wonderful hugs and kisses. What can I say? I'm feeling sentimental today.

+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Literacy Escapism
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Luxury Reading
+1 I follow Princess Bookie

I love these contests!!

Jenny N. said...

+2 Old Follower
On the 11th day of Christmas my pet dog gave to me 11 sloppy kisses.

+2 Old follower
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Jullysay/statuses/6986609586

+6 Follower of:
Neverending Shelf
Ellz Readz
Rook Rat
Princess Bookie

Emily said...

Please enter me :)
+1 New Follower
+2 Referred by Misty at the Book Rat
+1 Follower of The Neverending Shelf
+1 Follower of Bites
+1 Follower of Ellz Reads
+1 Follower of Princess Bookie


misskallie2000 said...

"On the 11th day of Christmas my 3 kitties gave to me 11 fur balls"

+1 Follower
+1 I follow Neverending Shelf
+1 I follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 I follow Ellz Readz
+1 I follow Book Rat
+1 I follow Princess Bookie
+1 I follow Shooting Stars Mag
1+ I follow Literary Escapism
1+ I follow 4 Bites
1+ I follow lovv32 Reads
1+ I follow Luxury Reading
1+ I follow The Shady Glade


Wrighty said...

On the 11th day of Christmas the stress gave to me a heart attack because 11 days of Christmas is just too much! Thanks for another terrific giveaway!! Happy holidays!

+2 old follower
+1 sidebar
+1 follow Library Lounge Lizard
+1 Bites
+1 Ellz Readz
+1 Book Rat
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Star Magazine
+1 vvb32Reads


Melanie said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my parents gave to me, 11 books a' gleaming.

+2 Old follower
+1 I follow The Neverending Shelf
+1 And Princess Bookie

Amy said...

+1 New follower
+1 Page Flipper follow
(+1 Page Flipper referral? )

On the 11th day of Christmas my book blogger gave to me me 11 embossed bookmarks

Marie said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my favorite kitty T. Tucker the Terrible Tabby gave me 11 fresh caught mousies which much as I loved the thought I really didn't think it would be appropriate to make into a mousie pie (despite Tuckers wishes) and so we all had eggnog instead :-)


Diana Dang said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my eyesight gave to me 11 different colours to view everything in.

+2 Old Follower
1+ I follow Neverending Shelf
1+ I follow Literary Escapism
1+ I follow Library Lounge Lizard
1+ I follow 4 Bites
1+ I follow Ellz Reads
1+ I follow Book Rat
1+ I follow Luxury Reading
1+ I follow Princess Bookie
1+ I follow Shooting Stars Mag
1+ I follow lovv32 Reads

Marianna said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my patients gave to me 11 rare contagious diseases.
(background: I'm an ICU nurse and of course workin the holidays LOL)

+1 New Follower

mannasweeps (at)) gmaildotcom

Kari Olson said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my archenemy gave to me 11 kinds of poison.

+2 old follower
+ 1 sidebar: http://agoodaddiction.blogspot.com
+3 blog post: http://agoodaddiction.blogspot.com/2009/12/contests-around-blogosphere.html
+1 for following Neverending Shelf
+1 for following Literary Escapism
+1 for following Library Lounge Lizard
+1 for following Bites
+1 for following Ellz Readz
+1 for following Book Rat
+1 for following Luxury Reading
+1 for following Princess Bookie
+1 for following Shooting Stars Mags
+1 for following vvb32 reads
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ck.twilighter (Chasity) said...

Aloha.... I am so happy to be able to enter.

+1 New follower

"On the 11th day of Christmas my Vampire gave to me 11 bite marks- and he got a couple slaps..."

Mele Kallikimaka ame Hau'oli makahiki hou!

Bookie00 said...

+1 new follower\
+3 Blog post

On the 11th day of xmas my BEST FRIEND gave to me an entire library!

Renee said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my husband gave to me 11 days of free-time just for MEEEEEEE!
+2 referred by Vera at Luxury Reading

Julie S said...

New follower
"On the 11th day of Christmas my hubby gave to me 11 purring kittens".

Sheere said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my cat gave to me 11 beautiful scratches (he doesn't like the cold, my poor one!)

+2 Old Follower

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Anonymous said...

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Nancye said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my stupid president TRIED to give to me a stupid health care plan that nobody wants!

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+1 I follow Luxury Reading
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~The Book Pixie said...

One the 11th day of Christmas my budgie gave to me 11 bouncing blumaroos.

+2 Old Follower

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~Briana :D

Linda Kish said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my son gave to me 11 times of feeding the pets (without complaint).

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Mandy said...

On the 11th day of christmas my purple haired gorilla gave to me 11 tutus a-frillin' (frilly tutus)

+1 New Follower
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The 12 Blogs of Christmas blog
+1 Followed Lit Bites
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+1 Followed Book Rat
+1 Followed Princess Bookie
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Liliana said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my dearest boyfriend gave to me 11 reasons of why he loves me!

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1+ I follow The Page Flipper

Miss Haley said...

on the 11th day of Christmas my sister gave to me 11 bars of maya-gold chocolate from Green and Blacks :D

+2 old follower
+1 twitter.com/haleymathiot
+1 neverending shelf
+1 library lounge lizard
+1 Princess bookie
+1 Luxury Reading

WhatBriReads said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my school gave to me 11 more days of vacation. (I wish)

+2 Old Follower
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+1 Follow Library Lounge Lizard
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Spav said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my dog gave to me 11 puppy kisses.

+2 Old follower

L said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my brother gave to me 11 amazon gift cards

+2 old follower
+1 Neverending Shelf
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+1 Ellz Readz
+1 The Page Flipper
+1 Luxury Reading
+1 Princess Bookie
+1 Shooting Stars Mag
+1 Book Rat
+1 The Shady Glade


dsandyboy said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my sweetie gave to me

11 pies of honey
10 gingerbread cookies
9 slices of cake
8 yards of streudel
7 pieces of chocolate
6 pounds of candy
5 cartons of ice cream
4 French pastries
3 all dressed hamburgers
2 boxes of fries
1 humungous pizza

and a partridge in a pear tree.

(And I was really sick)


FrankSandy said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my kittie cat gave to me 11 mice a'gleaming, etc. walkerd@primus.ca

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

On the 11th day of Christmas my BF gave to me 11 roses XD well 12 lol

+2 Old Follower

+10 for following:
Neverending Shelf
Library Lounge Lizard
Ellz Readz
The Page Flipper
Princess Bookie
Shooting Stars Mag
Book Rat
The Shady Glade

redleocat at yahoo.com

Guinevere said...

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my frenemy gave to me eleven backhanded compliments.