Apparently if you give you shall also receive. I just got finished sending off my prizes from 12 Days yesterday and today I got my last Secret Santa present. Yay! I actually signed up for three this year (I know, insane) and so I was waiting to share what I got until the last one arrived, since I have no idea what came from where.
Anyway, here's the lovely things I received this year:
The first package I got was a book from The Book Depository. I was a little confused, since I'd never shopped there before, but I realized after a little bit that it was probably from a Secret Santa. I have no idea who it was, so thank you to whoever sent this! Inside was:
Academy 7
by Anne Osterlund and
The Reluctant Heiress
by Eva Ibboston. Squee! I've been dying to read both since they came out (so several months) so I was very happy to get this package.
The next package to come was the cutest Christmas tree tin. I loved the tin, and inside it was even better:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! My favorite! Oh, and the books too. :) The two from the Once Upon a Time Series I was missing:
Wild Orchid
and the new
Winter's Child
, both by Cameron Dokey. Totally double squee worthy! On a quick side note, these are my first ones with the redesigned covers, so I'll have to see how they look with the older ones sitting on my shelf. Ha! Thank you to Amanda at
A Patchwork of Books, for being my secret Santa!
I was actually a little worried when I got the last package. It came in one of those plastic bags from the post office saying "we're sorry we totally destroyed your package, here's what's left of it, and have a nice time trying to piece it back together". (Okay, so maybe not those exact terms, but you get the idea.) It looked like it had been kicked around in the rain quite a bit, and the sides of the envelope were ripped. Luckily, when I got it home it seemed okay. The presents inside were wrapped which I think saved them from water damage. I opened them up (sorry, couldn't wait) and found this:
Bewitching Season
by Marissa Doyle, a new bookmark for my bookmark collection (YAY!), and some lovely bookplates. I totally love the bookmark, it's so different from any other one I have. Plus, the package had the cutest card too. So thank you to Emily at
What Book is That? I'm glad it got here in one piece!
Now I'm all warm and fuzzy inside. I love getting books! Best present ever. :D
I'm so glad everything got to you in one piece and that you like your gifts- I hope you're having an excellent Christmas!
Wow you got wonderful things!
You got some great books. I love the Once Upon A Time series, though I've only read like 4 of them
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